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THEOLOGY > Sin > Reality of Satan > Demons 


Demons exist. On the one hand their existence is denied by the secular culture which rejects the supernatural, but, on the other hand, the same culture is enamored with ancient and modern pagan superstitions that are considered authentic and even romantic. While rejecting the supernatural of Scripture, ancient mythological figures are studied, and paranormal creatures are constantly being created by the sinful imagination of man, revealing an infatuation with that which is supposed to be impossible. There is a double standard.

A lengthy quote by Bavinck deserves consideration:

But it is remarkable that a belief in the existence of beings who are above man occurs among all peoples and all religions, and that men, when they have rejected the testimony of the Scriptures concerning the existence of angels, nevertheless, in all sort of superstitious forms, come back to a belie in the existence of supramundane beings. Our present generation abundantly proves this. Angels and devils are no longer held to exist and in their stead a belief has arisen in many circles in latent forces, mysterious natural powers, ghosts, apparitions, visitations of the deceased, animated stars, inhabited planets, Mars-men, living atoms, and the like. Interesting in connection with all these ancient and new manifestations is the position which the Holy Scripture has over against them. Irrespective of whether falsehood or truth lies at the basis of them, Scripture forbids all fortune telling, sorcery, astrology, necromancy, enchantment or the consulting of oracles, all conjuring and wizardry, and the like, and so makes an end of all superstition as well as of all unbelief. Christianity and superstition are sworn foes. There is no science, enlightenment, or civilization that can safeguard against superstition; only the word of God can protect us from it. Scripture makes man most profoundly dependent upon God, but precisely in so doing emancipates him from every creature. It puts man into a right relationship with nature and so makes a true natural science possible (Our Reasonable Faith, 202).

Often it is pointed out by believers that pagan mythology has a basis in the real world, the real and supernatural world of angels and demons that is revealed in Scripture. Therefore, while ancient and modern mythologies are erroneous, they do reflect a corruption of the true world of the supernatural.

The word “demon” is derived from daimon, a Greek word that speaks of a spirit, a deity, divinity, or supernatural being, albeit a false deity. In the KJV, the word “demon” is not used; rather, the Greek words, daimon and daimonion, are translated by the word “devil” and the plural as “devils.” This translation confuses the concepts, for there is only one Devil (Devil is diabolos) and multiple demons.

The following topics are discussed:

        Existence of Demons

        Demonic Activity

        Suprenatural Evil

        Limitation of Demons

        Destiny of the Demons

        Demon Possession

        Theology of Demons

        Demonic Religion

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