Embraced  by  Truth . . .
                                    reflections on theology and life

THEOLOGY > Man > Question of Evolution > Questions  


Following is a list of random questions related to the origin and meaning of man:

    * Did living mind come from non-living matter?
    * Can mind come from matter?
    * What is the mechanism by which matter becomes mind?
    * Is it not more reasonable to think that non-living matter came from living mind?
    * Is it not even more reasonable to think that mind came from Mind?


    *  Can conceptual capability be explained by evolution?
    * If man is an evolved animal, then how is analytical ability explained?
    * Can evolution produce logic and reasoning capability?
    * Can randomness bring about sophistication?


    * If man is an evolved animal, then what is the basis for ethical conduct?
    * If man is simply evolved matter, then how can morals be justified?
    * Can randomness produce that which is normative?
    * Can evolution bring into existence a sense of “ought”?
    * If there is no Standard independent of the created order, then how
    do you determine what is right or wrong within the created order?
    * If there is no Standard outside the created order, then who determines what is right or wrong?
    * Is it even valid to think in terms of right and wrong if all of reality is evolution?  
    * Why is improper for man to live like the jungle if he descended from the jungle?
    * If the survival of the fittest requires struggle, then why is it unacceptable to kill?
    * Should not whatever one has to do to survive be acceptable and understandable?


    * Must believers listen to a modern scientist, who believes in a closed system,
    explain to them what the Scriptures, which espouse an open system, mean?
    * Will facts and fossils be viewed from an uniformitarian-evolutionary perspective
    or from a Creation-catastrophic perspective? Facts do not speak; they must
    be interpreted. And the interpreter has a definite perspective (see: Approach).
    * Could not God have created the earth with the appearance of age?
    * Was not Adam created as an adult, with the appearance of age?


    * How can chance or randomness produce uniformity and complexity?
    * How can complexity arise from disorder?
    * How can chaos produce a cosmos?
    * How can particulars establish universals?
    * How can truth arise from nothingness?


    * If matter was not created, then does matter have an eternal existence?
    * Upon what basis can such a thought be entertained?
    * Can science give any justification for the eternity of matter?
    * Is the eternity of matter a requirement since God has been deemed unacceptable?
    * How is the eternity of matter a better concept than the God-concept?


    * There are the missing links between the various animals, fish, and birds?
    * Why are there are no transitional forms?
    * If man’s mind is descended from the mind of the monkey, then why should
    man’s mind be trusted? (From the standpoint of evolution, man’s present mind
    and its reasoning, when evaluated by the future, may be as vain and foolish
    as man perceives the current mind of the monkey to be.)
    * If man cannot trust the reasoning of the monkey, then why should he trust
    his own reasoning, since man’s mind is related to the mind of the monkey?
    * Upon what basis does the evolved mind of an animal develop aesthetic appreciation?


    * Should you use science to correct Scripture?
    * Should you use Scripture to correct science?
    * Will future theories of science impact present accepted Biblical teaching?
    * If so, which takes priority: Scripture or science?
    * How can the Biblical account be harmonized with the evolutionary theory?


    * Is it conceivable that the 100 billion neurons of the brain and the
    100 trillion synapses joining them and transmitting electrochemical impulses
    came to their present level of incomprehensible sophistication through the slow
    process of evolution, which requires time plus chance?
    * How could life forms be maintained while independent male and female
    reproductive systems were developing?


    * If it took billions of years (ages) of evolution to produce what we see today,
    why did God say that it took six days?
    * Could God not have said “years” or “ages” as well as “days”?
    * Had it been impossible to understand the Bible correctly prior to the advent
    of evolutionary theory?
    * If the Bible is so drastically wrong, or at least misleading, in its teaching of origins,
    how can it be trusted in other areas?
    * Did God keep the real meaning of Scripture hidden, waiting for secular science
    to tell the Church what God meant when God said “day”?
    * Has the Church been wrong in its interpretation of Genesis prior to the modern era?
    * If evolution is correct, then why did theologians have to wait until
    the 1800’s for the appearance of Darwin before they could interpret the Bible correctly?
    * Would God do this to the interpreters of His Word?

See: Evolutionist versus Theist and Work of Creation

Return to: Question of Evolution; Next Article: Classification of Man 

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